Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back to School-" I will teach them that the truth will buy them more than a lie will cost them."

For me, this time of year is a time of renewal. Similar to New Year's. It's a fresh start, a new beginning. I always loved my new school supplies, determining who was going to be in my classes and picking out clothes for the first day. Now, as a mother, I have seen one child graduate high school and know those four years go by more quickly than any of the school years. My twins are ready to start their Freshman year and I wanted to take my own advice. How do I purposefully parent them these next four years? It's important that I set an intention to parent rather than just letting high school 'happen'.
My oldest daughter had a successful high school experience.(However, by no means, am I an expert!) I wanted to incorporate some things that worked with her and create some new strategies that will work with my younger daughter and son that will also accommodate their different personalities. So here's what worked...I really tried to be present in everything I did with my high schooler. Enjoying the moments and really listening to what she had to say. I increased her responsibility and increased her freedom. I paid attention to her friends...and her clothes. Most important, I fell in love with her all over again.
These next four years I intend to: stay present,pay attention to their friends and their clothes, increase their responsibility and freedom. I will teach them that the truth will buy them more than a lie will cost them. I respect them as individuals and humans as they grow and discover themselves. I am a 'friendly' mother. Not a friend. I will do more with them, than for them. I'm still cool regardless what they think! I am proud of each of their unique qulaities. AND I will fall in love with them all over again. Happy School Year! No Perfect Parents Allowed.