Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post to your childs' bathroom mirror

I have captured these from the website. These are NOT my own words. ALL the credit goes to the late Coach John Wooden. Grab your favorites, put them on a piece of paper and post to your childs' bathroom mirror. Let them absorb a healthy dose of wisdom each day :)
The Wizard's wisdom: 'Woodenisms'Email Print Comments79 By staff
The life lessons taught by John Wooden have become legend. Here's a collection of some of the greatest "Woodenisms."

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

"Never mistake activity for achievement."

"Adversity is the state in which man mostly easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then."

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."

[+] EnlargeJeff Lewis/US Presswire
Wooden's wisdom has withstood the test of time.

"Be prepared and be honest."

"Be quick, but don't hurry."

"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one."

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."

"Winning takes talent; to repeat takes character."

"A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment."

"I'd rather have a lot of talent and a little experience than a lot of experience and a little talent."

"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"

"If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes."

"It isn't what you do, but how you do it."

"Ability is a poor man's wealth."

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."

"Consider the rights of others before your own feelings and the feelings of others before your own rights."

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability."

"It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it."

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."

"Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful."

"The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team."
"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

"Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts."
John Wooden

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Smart vs. Pretty. Raising girls..while your sons are watching!

It’s a well known fact that in American Culture the media is obsessed with beauty. Physical, personal, external beauty. We might want to believe that it doesn't have a huge impact. But it does. Those of us women who were raised in the
U.S. have witnessed it and perhaps experienced it since middle school at the very least. We remember the girls that were “In”, and trust me, at my school...they weren’t ugly. As adults, we’ve all witnessed those around us who are pretty and seem to ‘have it all’. Are they more successful and happier? Do they have certain advantages? Are they perceived differently? I think to some extent, yes. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good and feel good. I don’t think anyone would argue that. The point is, what are we modeling for our daughters? Today, I have daughters that are 18 and 14. For years I’ve asked them and then taught them, “Which is better~ to be Pretty or Smart?” If we followed our cultural values we’d say...”Do everything you can to look good! You can get by on your looks.” If we are coming from a health (both physical and emotional) perspective we’d say, “Do everything you can to feel good!” It’s obvious which verbiage we should choose. In addition to our language though, what are we modeling? What is our own body image? How do you talk about yourself in front of your daughters? They’re listening and watching. As Dr. Phil shares, “Our body image is NOT equal to our self-image.” So, to get back to my earlier question that I ask my own daughters, “Which is better~ to be Pretty or Smart?” The answer Smart...because THEN you can figure out how to be pretty, from the inside out!
Now, keep in mind I have a third set of ears in my home. My son who is also 14. I got so focused on what I was teaching my girls about beauty that I forgot to focus on him and HIS perspective of females. Today I work just as diligently to teach him the value of all things beautiful. Spirits, souls, personalities, strengths and yes, to appreciate those things he finds pretty. I make the effort to teach him about respecting females, which stems from respecting himself first. They say that each gender child most closely identifies with the same gender parent. True. And since we teach people how to treat us, why not teach our sons how to treat girls? As mother’s, we can offer that softer perspective. The inside view that may differ from his father’s. Again, I pose the question to my son, “Is is better to be Handsome or Smart?” You’ve got it! Smart...because THEN you become more handsome inside and out. Remember parents...YOU ROCK!!!

Decisions Made Simple

As many of us do, we can struggle when making decisions regarding our children. If I could offer parents some simple advice it would be the following. For any situation or challenge that arises there’s always a formula for solution. Use the tools already available to you, and combine common sense with intuition. They will simply steer you in the right direction every time. It’s the knowledge and experience that you have, matched with the feeling of what’s right that you innately possess. Good news! You don’t have to go to school or read another book. It’s all in the palm of your hand!

Learn to apply the 5/5/5 rule. When you are making a decision in the face of a challenge, consider how it will affect you (your child) in the next five minutes, the next five months and/or the next five years. Does the decision make good sense? Do you feel that it’s the right thing to do given the circumstances? Pay close attention to your voice, it’s there for a reason.

This is such a great thing to teach our kids as well! Get them to start being aware of themselves. Help them identify that inkling, that gut feeling or the words that pop-up as messages. The voice of reason is there to protect and guide us. Start teaching your child to look and feel for the sensation. They can use this intuition first, as they are developing common sense through maturity.

Some excellent questions to help develop this skill might be, “What do you think is the right thing to do?”.
“What do you feel is the right thing to do?”
Then test the decision making process by asking,
“When you choose decision A, how does that feel?” or
“When you choose decision B, how does that feel?”
They can learn to use analysis by looking ahead at the consequences of each choice. The outcome then may help to determine their choice. In addition, point out examples where they used intuition and/or common sense that resulted in a good outcome. As they see success it will help reinforce confidence in their decision making skills.
Remember parents.............YOU ROCK!!!

Looking for Teaching Moments

I’m not a teacher...not in the educated, trained sense of the word. Definitely not a true professional. When we are given the gift of a child we made application that day for a Teaching Position. Along with many other jobs! ( I’ll talk more about those another time.) I don’t quite remember filling out that paperwork, but we did! Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly teaching our children. It may be through words, behaviors, thoughts or actions. They study it all. I have a daughter that is a great observer of life. She takes it all in and is able to process it in her own way to make sense of it all. It’s really an amazing thing to see. My son learns better my mimicking, following or duplicating. He’s a learner where repitition is important. It will be critical for him that the people in his life are good role models. It may be peers, teachers, coaches, extended family and of course his parents. So, with the Teaching Position I earned those days on August 31st and April 16th with the birth of my children I’ve been deemed one of the Head Master’s of the School of Life! Wow! It’s a huge title. To maximize my opportunity with them ( and as I mentioned before I have no formal training in education) I look for "Teaching Moments". Quick bits of time where I can have big impact and low resistance. It’s not at obvious times though, like the hours spent with them laboring over math homework . By the way- It really is true. You do need a math education for later in life. And here’s you don’t look like a complete IDIOT when it’s time to assist your own children! So again, I’m looking for the not so obvious piece in time. Here’s an example, I’m driving with my twins and we pass a cemetary. My daughter asks, "Mommy, is that where they bury dead people?". I answer, "Yes honey, it is." "Mommy", she asks, "Is that where you want to be buried?" Here it is! That moment in time I’m looking for! She opened the door, am I ready to walk through? Are they ready for the answer? Let’s try. "No, honey Mommy doesn’t want to be buried there." Guess the next question? "Why not? Where do you want to be buried?" Meanwhile my son is in the back seat uttering "Ewww...that’s gross!" Do I go for it? Do I start the discussion on death, but even more important to me on a Spiritual level do I start to discuss after death? So in that split second I go for it. "No, mommy doesn’t want to be buried anywhere. Mommy doesn’t want to take up the land that way. Mommy’s body won’t be living anymore and I want my soul and spirit to be free. I want to be cremated." Stop. Silence. My daughter, "What’s cremation?" "Cremation is where they dispose of my body so that my remains, which will be soft ashes, can be free to float in the ocean. That’s what mommy wants. That way mommy is not under the ground, I’m free to always be in your hearts. Anytime you see the ocean you will know that mommy is resting peacefully." There. I said it. My daughter replies, "Ok if that’s what you want, but that’s gross." It certainly might not be her choice, but she understands that it’s mine. She’s an old soul, she respects choice. Meanwhile, my normally chatty son is quiet. I look in the rearview mirror and tears are streaming down his face. "Son, what’s wrong honey?" Crying, he says "Mommy, if you leave us there won’t be anyone here to take care of us." He’s very sensitive and more emotional. He looks at the impact on him as if it were today. It’s more difficult for him to see and understand concepts in the future. And it was at this time that I said, "Mommy will be here to raise you into a wonderful man and your sisters into wonderful women. " "When will that be Mommy?", "When God decides that I've taught you everything you'll need to know....and that’s why it’s perfect." In a matter of ten minutes, I was able to touch on Life/Death, wishes/desires and my important Spiritual belief that I my spirit will live beyond my body. Wouldn’t you agree, it had high impact with low resistance? Success! I invite you to turn down your radio and turn off the DVD players in your car. You’ve got a captive audience, take advantage of it! What and how are YOU teaching? And just as important by 'not' teaching, what will they learn? Remember parents/teachers...YOU ROCK!!!

Family Mission Statements

Have you ever considered a Purpose for your family? Where do you want to go? What type of people do you want your children to be? In creating a Family Mission Statement you can develop a road map for success. A blueprint to follow in building the family you desire. Consider it language that is a verbal foundation that clearly and succinctly describes your ultimate family. When I was a young mother- and by that I mean, in my early years of mothering- my mission statement was short, a bit crass and at the same time I knew exactly what I wanted. "I refuse to raise brats!" Period. It was clear, it was succint but was it evolved? As I began to go through my journey as a mother and gave birth to three beautiful gifts, my ideas changed. In this phase I got a bit more sophisticated and came up with, " I want to raise children that are happy, well-adjusted and productive adults." Ok, this is better. Somehow though, it was lacking some power and sparkle behind it. As my own growth continued and I learned more about myself as a mother I have re-worked my Family Mission Statement. Here is how it reads today, "I intend to impact my children to the extent that they are thrilled with their lives, they are Enlightened beings and prepared to leave their legacy in this world as powerful, loving and compassionate souls!" Now THAT excites me! What excites you? Get your family on board. Toss around some ideas at the dinner table as to what makes your heart sing. Brainstorm not only who you want to be, but how you will feel when get there! Remember parents...YOU ROCK! P.S. So far I've found Success! NO BRATS :)

Forgiveness on 9/11?

(Originally posted after 9/11)

It was a day that changed our lives. Not “those”, not “them”, but all of us. In the most heinous act in U.S. history our Free World will never be the same. Hundreds of children lost parents that day. I’m taking this opportunity to teach mine. In our neighboring city of Tempe, AZ they have created a “Healing Field”. Such a beautiful name for a place that bears the name of so many souls who have moved on. In a huge volunteer effort, people have placed 2,998 flags in a park there. One to mark the name of each murder victim. My original intention for taking my children was to pay our respects and remember those who are gone. It’s so important for me to teach them to think of others and realize there is a world outside there own. No, we don’t personally know any of them, but we could have. What we DO know is that so many were mommies and daddies who left for work that morning and never came home that night. I want my children to think about those children. What an opportunity to learn that life can be over in moments. I’m sure any of those children would trade all they have to get their parents back. The X-boxes, the PlayStations, the Bratz dolls, IPODS and so on. I want to turn this tragic day around in my children’s minds’ eye. It’s a day that should remind us of gratefulness. I want my children to be grateful for who they have today, not what they have.
It’s been said that we paid the price for Freedom that day. In my own personal life, freedom is a value that I hold as one of my top three. I cherish freedom and appreciate it daily. When I talked to my children this morning about the event and why it’s important to remember, I spoke of freedom. We should respect, honor and cherish it. There’s no other country like ours! I found myself trying to explain that some people that day were bad people, people with bad intentions and ugliness in their hearts. And yet, really they are also people who believed SO strongly in their own beliefs and convictions they were willing to die for them. Sadly, they took thousands of others with them. I want my children to live with strong convictions and beliefs and what I’m trying to teach in this moment is “At what cost?”. Be clear that your beliefs and values come from a place of love. A place that supports your dreams and never at the cost of others.
As I’m explaining that the airplanes hitting the buildings were no 'accident', I realized an incredible metaphor. Think about a plane flying in the, unrestricted, able to move, able to rise and descend with no support other than an engine and computer inside. Nothing external makes the plane operate. It’s like life isn’t it? Let’s live this! Live your, unrestricted, move. Rise above all with the use of your brain, body and heart to guide you. Those planes are symbols of everything this country stands for. Teach your children the power of harnessing good energy in the right direction...and the consequences if you get off course.
So for now, in my opinion, the biggest lesson of all. Forgiveness? Forgiveness. Yes, without it we carry anger and despair. We are only hurting ourselves. They’ve hurt our country, damaged our spirits and created fear. We now have the choice to forgive. It’s our only chance back on the road to freedom. It seems unforgivable, and this time I admit an incredibly challenging lesson to teach. Because, if I teach it...I must live forgiveness and know forgiveness. But as I said before, freedom is golden to me. This is the single thing that motivates me to let go of the anger, the hate, the disgust. I WANT TO LIVE FREE! When we left the Healing Field today there was a light breeze. All 2,998 flags were waving as if to say “Goodbye, you are missed.” and today we wave and say “Thank you for the lessons you left behind for us to learn. We commit to living life... in honor of yours." We have never needed to learn more about the act of forgiveness than we do in our modern times.

My family will live with equally strong convictions as the terrorists. Today and every day to follow, my children and I will be grateful, we will show respect and we will work on forgiveness as our lessons from 9/11. This is because I believe 2,998 people want it so...
Remember parents...YOU ROCK!!!

Parenting Through A National Tragedy

(originally posted after 9/11)

So here we are again, faced with another assault on our fellow Americans. What do we do now? What do we do with our outrage, our fear, and our uncertainties? How do we soothe our pain, our concerns and our anger?

I don’t know for sure. But what I do know, is this…..we need more Love.

I heard it said today through the media that, “Beware as we live in a violent world now.” I disagree. We live in a world with violent people. And perhaps we should dissect it even further . We live in a world with people, who at some point in time can be capable of doing violent things.

We listen to reports of the media trying to humanize the family of the shooter around an act that is absolutely inhumane. They have been described as “Loners”. It makes me wonder how ‘alone’ they will feel now. Will we wrap them in our arms and help them through their pain? Or will we shun them as our only way to inadvertently inflict punishment on their son who has hurt so many?

I don’t know for sure. But what I do know, is this…..we need more Love.

Many are questioning God. Why would God allow this to happen? Why would God take the lives of 33 otherwise, good people? It’s important in a time of crisis to remember that Spirit/God has given us free will. We have the ability to make choices. And with choices come responsibility. Spirit/God can not control that. I believe that there will be far more people who reach out to heal and love than the one lone gunman. That is Spirit’s will. As so many search for The Why? I say,

I don’t know for sure. But what I do know, is this…..we need more Love.

The University officials and local law enforcement are under heavy scrutiny right now. “What if?” we ask? All the should’s, all the could have been’s. What if they would have done this? What if they would have done that? What if they put the campus on lockdown and the gunman turned his rage toward the neighboring community? One set of lives certainly not more valuable than the others. What if there was stricter gun control? What if someone gets a hold of a deadly weapon anyway, and their choice and use are deadly destruction…not the weapon?

I don’t know for sure. But what I do know, is this…..we need more Love.

Hindsight always provides us the luxury of time and rational thinking. We can’t expect to impose those conditions in the midst of crisis. Can you imagine the burden on the President of the University at this hour? He now carries the weight of 34 Angels. Yes, even the gunman has a soul. Can you imagine the pain this young man must have been suffering?

I don’t know for sure. But what I do know, is this…..we need more Love.

Many families had students at VA Tech for the purpose of seeking knowledge and understanding. Now, we must do the same. Let’s use the knowledge we gain from this experience to help be better prepared in our future. Let’s seek an understanding. Even if it is acceptance that we can’t possibly understand. But what we do understand is the desire to move forward. It is critical that we feel this experience. We mustn’t become numb to what has become familiar. I heard it said yesterday that, “We must go to bed tonight a bit uncomfortable.”

It is and will be a time of forgiveness for our nation. AGAIN. As always, it does not take away the pain. It does not right an extreme wrong. And yet, for us to know true freedom….we must be free from hate and judgment. Hate and judgment are at the core of this young man’s actions. Even if it’s hate and judgment of himself.
*** This is the lesson for us as parents and the lesson to be passed on to our children. Free ourselves….Because what I do know is this………..we need more Love.