Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Looking for Teaching Moments

I’m not a teacher...not in the educated, trained sense of the word. Definitely not a true professional. When we are given the gift of a child we made application that day for a Teaching Position. Along with many other jobs! ( I’ll talk more about those another time.) I don’t quite remember filling out that paperwork, but we did! Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly teaching our children. It may be through words, behaviors, thoughts or actions. They study it all. I have a daughter that is a great observer of life. She takes it all in and is able to process it in her own way to make sense of it all. It’s really an amazing thing to see. My son learns better my mimicking, following or duplicating. He’s a learner where repitition is important. It will be critical for him that the people in his life are good role models. It may be peers, teachers, coaches, extended family and of course his parents. So, with the Teaching Position I earned those days on August 31st and April 16th with the birth of my children I’ve been deemed one of the Head Master’s of the School of Life! Wow! It’s a huge title. To maximize my opportunity with them ( and as I mentioned before I have no formal training in education) I look for "Teaching Moments". Quick bits of time where I can have big impact and low resistance. It’s not at obvious times though, like the hours spent with them laboring over math homework . By the way- It really is true. You do need a math education for later in life. And here’s you don’t look like a complete IDIOT when it’s time to assist your own children! So again, I’m looking for the not so obvious piece in time. Here’s an example, I’m driving with my twins and we pass a cemetary. My daughter asks, "Mommy, is that where they bury dead people?". I answer, "Yes honey, it is." "Mommy", she asks, "Is that where you want to be buried?" Here it is! That moment in time I’m looking for! She opened the door, am I ready to walk through? Are they ready for the answer? Let’s try. "No, honey Mommy doesn’t want to be buried there." Guess the next question? "Why not? Where do you want to be buried?" Meanwhile my son is in the back seat uttering "Ewww...that’s gross!" Do I go for it? Do I start the discussion on death, but even more important to me on a Spiritual level do I start to discuss after death? So in that split second I go for it. "No, mommy doesn’t want to be buried anywhere. Mommy doesn’t want to take up the land that way. Mommy’s body won’t be living anymore and I want my soul and spirit to be free. I want to be cremated." Stop. Silence. My daughter, "What’s cremation?" "Cremation is where they dispose of my body so that my remains, which will be soft ashes, can be free to float in the ocean. That’s what mommy wants. That way mommy is not under the ground, I’m free to always be in your hearts. Anytime you see the ocean you will know that mommy is resting peacefully." There. I said it. My daughter replies, "Ok if that’s what you want, but that’s gross." It certainly might not be her choice, but she understands that it’s mine. She’s an old soul, she respects choice. Meanwhile, my normally chatty son is quiet. I look in the rearview mirror and tears are streaming down his face. "Son, what’s wrong honey?" Crying, he says "Mommy, if you leave us there won’t be anyone here to take care of us." He’s very sensitive and more emotional. He looks at the impact on him as if it were today. It’s more difficult for him to see and understand concepts in the future. And it was at this time that I said, "Mommy will be here to raise you into a wonderful man and your sisters into wonderful women. " "When will that be Mommy?", "When God decides that I've taught you everything you'll need to know....and that’s why it’s perfect." In a matter of ten minutes, I was able to touch on Life/Death, wishes/desires and my important Spiritual belief that I my spirit will live beyond my body. Wouldn’t you agree, it had high impact with low resistance? Success! I invite you to turn down your radio and turn off the DVD players in your car. You’ve got a captive audience, take advantage of it! What and how are YOU teaching? And just as important by 'not' teaching, what will they learn? Remember parents/teachers...YOU ROCK!!!

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