Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Decisions Made Simple

As many of us do, we can struggle when making decisions regarding our children. If I could offer parents some simple advice it would be the following. For any situation or challenge that arises there’s always a formula for solution. Use the tools already available to you, and combine common sense with intuition. They will simply steer you in the right direction every time. It’s the knowledge and experience that you have, matched with the feeling of what’s right that you innately possess. Good news! You don’t have to go to school or read another book. It’s all in the palm of your hand!

Learn to apply the 5/5/5 rule. When you are making a decision in the face of a challenge, consider how it will affect you (your child) in the next five minutes, the next five months and/or the next five years. Does the decision make good sense? Do you feel that it’s the right thing to do given the circumstances? Pay close attention to your voice, it’s there for a reason.

This is such a great thing to teach our kids as well! Get them to start being aware of themselves. Help them identify that inkling, that gut feeling or the words that pop-up as messages. The voice of reason is there to protect and guide us. Start teaching your child to look and feel for the sensation. They can use this intuition first, as they are developing common sense through maturity.

Some excellent questions to help develop this skill might be, “What do you think is the right thing to do?”.
“What do you feel is the right thing to do?”
Then test the decision making process by asking,
“When you choose decision A, how does that feel?” or
“When you choose decision B, how does that feel?”
They can learn to use analysis by looking ahead at the consequences of each choice. The outcome then may help to determine their choice. In addition, point out examples where they used intuition and/or common sense that resulted in a good outcome. As they see success it will help reinforce confidence in their decision making skills.
Remember parents.............YOU ROCK!!!

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